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There are lots of ways to follow IT Conversations:



IT Conversations
Executive Producer

What is a Podcast?

Podcasting is a method by which we and others make our audio (MP3) files available by subscription. This means you don't have to keep coming back to the The Conversations Network channel's web sites to check for new programs because you can use a podcatching service or software to automatically check for you. You can also transfer our programs to your portable MP3 player so you can listen when and where you want. Your MP3 player becomes a portable TiVo for radio.

Don't be confused by the name Podcasting. Yes, you can use an Apple iPod, but you don't need one. You can use other portable MP3 players, or you can listen without any player at all, directly from your desktop or portable computer using services like Google Reader.

Subscribing to our RSS Feeds

If you click on the RSS/Subscribe button in the menu bar on most of our web pages, you'll see a collection of colorful buttons. Click on the button appropriate for your RSS/Podcatcher service or software:

For Beginners

"I don't know what these are!"

If you have an Apple iPod, you're probably also using their iTunes application. To subscribe to The Conversations Network using iTunes, just click on the iTunes icon under the RSS/Subscribe menu.

If you're new to podcasts, the simplest way to subscribe is to use Google Reader, a free online service that doesn't require any special hardware or software.