Lou Rosenfeld

Founder, Rosenfeld Media

Jon Udell's Interviews with Innovators
47 minutes, 21.8mb, recorded 2007-05-16
Lou Rosenfeld

Jon Udell speaks with Lou Rosenfeld on this week's Interviews with Innovators. Fellow superpatron Edward Vielmetti put Jon in touch with Lou, with whom he shares an affection not only for Ann Arbor, Michigan, but also for a cluster of topics including information architecture, search analytics, print and online publishing, designing for usability, tagging, and microformats.

Lou Rosenfeld is an independent information architecture consultant, and founder and publisher of Rosenfeld Media, a publishing house focused on user experience books. He has been instrumental in helping establish the fields of information architecture and user experience, and in articulating the role and value of librarianship within those fields.


This free podcast is from our Jon Udell's Interviews with Innovators series.

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