Rob Shanks

Senior Manager, ESRI

ArcGIS and the Web: Better Sharing of Geographic Information
11 minutes, 5.2mb, recorded 2009-05-21
Rob Shanks

ArcGIS online provides browser level control, access to geo databases and SDK for Silverlight, Virtual Earth and a variety of data from soil samples, topography to open street maps. In this talk from the Where 2.0 conference held last may Rob Shanks introduces some of the features available in the latest edition of ArcGiS online. Showcasing the javascript UI for creating web maps, ArcGIS online promises improved manageability for online developing GIS tools for the non programmer. Promising support for users to share data with users publicly and privately this latest offering provides access to rich content for free and at premium prices. 

Rob Shanks is Senior Business & Product Manager at ESRI and manages the ArcGIS Online program at ESRI. He is also a former President & CEO at GlobeXplorer. 



This free podcast is from our Where Conference series.

For The Conversations Network:

  • Post-production audio engineer: Robb Lepper
  • Website editor: Brett Ballanger
  • Series producer: Peter Christensen