David Wang

Technical Lead and Architect, Google

Wave Federation: Building An Open Network
22 minutes, 10.2mb, recorded 2009-10-30
David Wang

Google Technical Lead and Architect David Wang speaks at eComm 2009 about building an open network around wave technology. 

Google Wave is a product and wave is a technology, much like Gmail is a product and email is a technology. Google Wave was built using an open federation protocol to promote the use of waves and to ensure that users have a choice of wave providers.  Anyone can run their own wave server; the idea is to encourage organizations to build wave-like systems that will interoperate and discourage those that don't.

Wang describes what a wave is, gives a theoretical description of sharing waves and details of the Draft Federation Protocol Specification, which simply shows how to operate a wave server. It's just like running your own SMTP server and in this audio lecture, Wang demonstrates how.

David Wang is a client technical lead and architect for Google Wave. He is a graduate of University of New South Wales Australia in Bachelor of Software Engineering and a fortunate recipient of the University Medal. After developing software in a variety of industries and with a passion for web technologies, David joined Google in late 2006. David leads the design and development of the core technologies driving the live and concurrent capabilities of Google Wave.






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