Rod Smith & Stewart Nickolas


Enabling Next-Gen Web Applications
44 minutes, 20.2mb, recorded 2005-10-19
Rod Smith & Stewart Nickolas

IBM is enamored with the PHP development platform and the company sees it playing a larger role in its customer solutions. According to Rod Smith, VP of the Internet Emerging Technology unit at IBM, "PHP allows for an entirely new software paradigm--one that enables quickly built applications that can serve for a short time, if necessary, and then be discarded or redesigned."

In a keynote address at the Zend/PHP Conference, held October 18-21, 2005, in Burlingame, California, Smith briefly outlines IBM's involvement with PHP and explains the value that IBM gains by participating in the PHP development community. Smith and his associate, Stewart Nickolas, then demonstrate some rapid application development using PHP and IBM's experimental "Application Wiki" framework to create "QEDWiki", a proof of concept site in which a company can track its inventory in relation to severe weather events.

Rod Smith is the Vice President of Internet Emerging Technology, Software Group, at IBM. He is recognized as an industry leader, both within IBM's software business, as well as across the development community. His team's technological innovations and cross-industry collaborations have enabled the rapid adoption of technologies such as web services, XML, Linux, J2EE, and next generation rich user collaboration technology. In June, 2003, Smith was elevated to the title, IBM Fellow, the company's most prestigious technical honor.

Stewart Nickolas has worked in the Emerging Technologies group in IBM for the past five years during which he has worked on Web services, Eclipse-based tools for Web services and rich Internet client technologies.


Zend/PHP Conference 2005

This free podcast is from our Zend-PHP Conference series.

For The Conversations Network:

  • Post-production audio engineer: Bruce Sharpe
  • Website editor: Sean O'Steen
  • Series producer: Scott Mace