Topic: Education

This page shows 81 to 90 of 93 total podcasts in this series.
<<Newer | 1- | 11- | 21- | 31- | 41- | 51- | 61- | 71- | 81- | 91- | Older>>

Financing California Schools: Joe Simitian & Michael Kirst

How is California, home of the technology revolution, preparing the next generation of students to lead the charge of innovation? In this University podcast, Senator Joe Simitian and Professor Michael Kirst argue that school financing in California is neither adequate, efficient, nor equitable. Speaking at the Stanford School of Education, they discuss the challenges of financing California's K-12 schools in a rapidly changing environment with diffuse accountability and dilute authority.

Bridging the Gap - Social Entrepreneurs in For-Profit Education

Can business add value to the education field? Pioneers and market leaders who have built successful businesses around the many unmet needs in education talk about the business opportunities in education today in this panel discussion from Bridging the Gap, the Stanford 2005 Net Impact conference organized by the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Bridging the Gap Panel - Innovation in Public Education

In this panel discussion, entrepreneurs in the field of education talk about how to work with the market and apply business practices and frameworks to the problem of urban education reform. Their lessons have relevance in areas ranging from teaching to administration, and from recruitment to organizational design.

Bunker Roy - Bix Fixes

In this talk from Pop!Tech 2005, Bunker Roy describes his Barefoot College, a school that is only for the poor. Roy asserts that rural India is full of professionals who are not recognized for their skills, such as water diviners and traditional midwives. His college is open only to people without a formal education and seeks to combine the knowledge of the local people with modern technologies.

Nicholas Negroponte - Participation Revolution

Nicholas Negroponte wants to give every school child in the developing world a laptop computer. He has established a non-profit organization to design and produce $100 laptops for sale to governments in quantities of no less than 1 million machines on the condition that they are given to school children. In this talk, he describes his and his colleague Seymour Papert's experience with educational computing in developing nations as well as the machine design.

Education - Rebuilding or Bypassing our Institutions?

In this Intelligence Amplification Panel, Ruzena Bajcsy, Dr. Shun-Jie Ji, Janardhan Chodagam, and Robin Raskin discuss how accelerating technology can be applied to education. Can we incorporate 3D object mapping to share rare artifacts, while encouraging the young to think about the long-term future? Can using meditation to study our own thought processes lead to artificial intelligence amplification? Maybe we're moving too fast, and the introduction of our increasingly powerful tools to the inexperienced youth is detrimental to their long-term development.

Marty Ashby - The Future of Jazz

As executive producer of MCG Jazz, Marty Ashby works with musicians who often devote their proceeds to a community arts and vocational training center in Pittsburg, Penn. In this audio interview, Ashby charts for Globeshakers host Tim Zak his career from jazz musician to director of this philanthropic jazz performance and recording venue.

Bill Strickland - Manchester Craftsmans Guild

On Pittsburgh's gritty north side, just down the street from where he grew up, Bill Strickland has created a youth development and adult training center like no other. In this audio interview with Globeshakers host Tim Zak, Strickland talks about the environment he has melded over more than 40 years surrounded by stunning art, the sounds of jazz, beautiful orchids, and brilliant architecture, with programs that get kids into college and adults a job with a future.

Alex Lindsay - The Next Generation of Digital Craftsman

As "chief architect" of PixelCorps, Alex Lindsay created a guild for the next generation of craftsmen: digital craftsmen. In this audio interview, Lindsay describes to Globeshakers host Tim Zak how PixelCorps is currently transferring skills in digital imaging and animation to regions in the developing world so that their workforces can capitalize on the coming media revolution.

Globalization of Technology Panel - Software 2005

How do you make a laptop that sells for less than $100 in order to sell to developing countries? Should businesses be considering the developing world as markets or as areas in need of charity? This lively panel discussion covers numerous technological solutions to the global digital divide from the perspectives of business, education and the international development community. [Software 2005 audio from IT Conversations]
This page shows 81 to 90 of 93 total podcasts in this series.
<<Newer | 1- | 11- | 21- | 31- | 41- | 51- | 61- | 71- | 81- | 91- | Older>>