Government 2.0 Summit

This page shows 11 to 20 of 26 total podcasts in this series.
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Carl Malamud - "By the People..."

Carl Malamud, president of Public.Resource.Org, describes observations which indicate how the internet wave, created in the private sector, has triggered success and could be extremely beneficial in the public sector in the future. He suggests that access to information and public documents may lead to more efficient government, more economic activity and better democracy.

Carleen Hawn, James Heywood - Rapid Fire: Healthcare

These rapid fire talks feature two innovations in healthcare. Founder Carleen Hawn discusses some of the stories from Healthspottr, a website that showcases innovative patient technologies from around the world. Also PatientsLikeMe co-founder James Heywood explains how the platform creates communities around medical conditions, and puts patients in control of their data.

RAPID FIRE: Location, Location, Location

In this series of short talks from the Gov 2.0 Summit, four pioneers of open geospatial data share their experiences in encouraging collaboration through data sharing. From Virtual Alabama to "Beer for Data" in Afghanistan, it's an eye-opening look at the doors which can be unlocked by open data in government.

Eric Ries - Lean Startups: Doing More with Less

Eric Ries talks about the elements that allow startups to succeed, what causes them to fail, and how entrepreneurial management can effect the outcome. The idea of pivot, reasons why lean startups are better at it, and how pivot can be built upon by startup managers are discussed briefly, but in depth.

John Podesta and James Fallows - Social Media, Diplomacy, and Co-Creation of Dialogue

John Podesta and James Fallows discuss Gov 2.0 communication challenges for presidential candidates and administrations, and how messaging strategies and tactics affect international perceptions of America.

Brad Jupp - Data Collection in Our Schools

Brad Jupp, a veteran teacher, administrator and union leader in the Denver school system, discusses how the Department of Education means to use data collection to propel schools from 'school district 1.0' to 'school district 1.2'.

Apps for America II

Clay Johnson, Director of Sunlight Labs, reviews several entries from the 'Apps for America II' development contest which make exclusive use of the knowledgebase.

Clay Shirky - Technology Insight

In this Gov 2.0 presentation Clay Shirky explains why an L.A. Times wikitorial effort went wrong and compares it with the continuing success of Apps For Democracy.

Craig Mundie - The Killer App of Gov2.0

Join Craig Mundie, Chief Research and Strategy Officer for Microsoft, as he talks about the future of IT in government. With continued advances in microprocessing and radio connectivity over the next five to ten years, IT will soon be capable of providing novel solutions to government problems. From energy conservation initiatives to expanding highspeed wireless in remote locations, Mundie discusses how governments can address the twin problems of accountability and improved outcomes.

Driving Openness, Participation, and Collaboration

Developing software solutions for the defence and intelligence industries is not normally open to public discussion. In this exciting talk Lena Trudeau interviews experts from Homeland Security, the Department of Defense and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) on how their organizations manage and embrace the latest web technologies. Find out how Dungeons and Dragons inspired the Intelligence community and what Twitter has to do with the Department of Defense.
This page shows 11 to 20 of 26 total podcasts in this series.
<<Newer | 1- | 11- | 21- | Older>>