Topic: Security

This page shows 11 to 20 of 67 total podcasts in this series.
<<Newer | 1- | 11- | 21- | 31- | 41- | 51- | 61- | Older>>

Driving Openness, Participation, and Collaboration

Developing software solutions for the defence and intelligence industries is not normally open to public discussion. In this exciting talk Lena Trudeau interviews experts from Homeland Security, the Department of Defense and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) on how their organizations manage and embrace the latest web technologies. Find out how Dungeons and Dragons inspired the Intelligence community and what Twitter has to do with the Department of Defense.

Alex "Sandy" Pentland - How Social Networks Network Best

Join Alex "Sandy" Pentland as he talks about the indoor spaces of the city and the answers that can be gleaned from human movements within the interiors of buildings. From the movement of bees to the layout of boardroom locations, software can be used to predict and prevent communication failures. Tracking organizational and social behavior through data analysis has the potential to improve and perhaps even change the world.

Conrad Albrecht-Buehler - Heed: Situation Awareness

Everyone has too many distractions and too many fires to put out. How can you stay aware of the status of your systems and prioritize events that interrupt your day? Conrad Albrecht-Buehler presents "Heed": Simpler than a dashboard, but more informative. Less disruptive than an alarm, it helps you keep an eye on your systems and gives you a more usable warning when things are going to blow!

Rich Wolski - Cloud Computing with EUCALYPTUS

Cloud computing can be a powerful tool in academic research but the costs associated with commercial implementations and the established hardware available at most universities has left a gap in the development of solutions for academic environments. Join Rich Wolski, a Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Barbra, as he discusses the challenges involved with building an open source project that gets scientists' heads into the (computing) cloud.

Physical Security: Can We Have Both Privacy and Safety?

Christine Peterson is a founder and Vice-President of Foresight Institute, and focuses effort on educating the public on nanotechnology issues. In this emotionally-charged presentation at the O'Reilly Open Source Convention, Peterson lays out the potential privacy concerns of using nanotechnology and closed-source software to monitor for a future terrorist attack.

Andre' M. DiMino - Shadowserver

Andre' DiMino of the Shadowserver Foundation discusses the darker side of the Internet and how Shadowserver is working to gather, track, and report on malware, botnet activity, and electronic fraud. In addition to giving its background, he talks about methodology and presents examples of some of the major security issues and how the problems are being solved.

Panel - Do You Know Where Your Identity Is?

As our lives increasingly straddle the physical and the virtual worlds, the management of identity becomes increasingly crucial from both a business and a social standpoint. John Clippinger, Kaliya Hamlin, and Reid Hoffman examine how online identity can foster relationships and deepen value creation. They discuss OpenID, including how America Online has chosen to adopt it, and answer questions related to such issues as anonymity and restricting information.

Trojans, DVD Wars & Interactive Light Displays

Sony's Blu-Ray defeats HD-DVD, but will downloadable movies make that victory moot? On this edition of IEEE Spectrum Radio, targeted trojan horse attacks are a growing security threat and have expanded the spyware vocabulary. Also, an interview with Ash Nehru of UnitedVisualArtists on their interactive light exhibits.

Steven Adler - Technometria: Data Governance

Since data is the raw material of the information economy, it is increasingly important that it is properly controlled by organizations. Data governance is a quality control discipline for assessing, managing, using, improving, monitoring, maintaining, and protecting organizational information. Steven Adler, Program Director of IBM Data Governance, joins Phil and Scott to discuss the increasingly important issue.

Dan York - The Black Bag Security Review

"Practice safe VoIP," is Dan York's appeal to the new entrants in the digital telephony landscape. In a spicy, fictional anecdote, CISSP's Director of Emerging Communication Technology cleverly reveals the possible security vulnerabilities VoIP networks are amenable to. Like all happy tales, in the end, the bad guys lose; VoIP security tools are to the rescue. But in real life, Dan warns, the potential threats are only increasing.
This page shows 11 to 20 of 67 total podcasts in this series.
<<Newer | 1- | 11- | 21- | 31- | 41- | 51- | 61- | Older>>