Tom Copeland


62 minutes, 28.6mb, recorded 2006-11-06
Tom Copeland, Matt Asay, Scott C Lemon

Previously, Technometria featured a talk by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto, designer of the Ruby programming language. One of the language's chief proponents, Tom Copeland, joins Phil, Matt, and Scott in a discussion of the current state of the language along with other current news. Tom is the system administrator of, a collection of open source Ruby projects. Starting with a brief discussion of Phil's class project on Rails, the group continues with a look at the Ruby community and why RubyForge was established as an alternative to SourceForge.

There is also a lively discussion of Microsoft's announcement of a partnership with Novell for a development deal related to Suse Linux, as well as other current issues.


Tom Copeland is a programmer for InfoEther, LLC. He started programming on a TRS-80 Model III, but demand for that skill has waned and he now works mostly in Java and Ruby. He's the sysadmin for and is a contributor to various open source projects. He's the author of "PMD Applied", has a book on JavaCC in the pipeline, and blogs sporadically. He lives in northern Virginia with his wife and five children.

Co-host Matt Asay is vice president of Business Development for Alfresco, the leading open source Enterprise Content Management company. Prior to Alfresco Matt co-founded Novell's Linux Business Office, founded the Open Source Business Conference, and ran embedded Linux vendor Lineo's Network & Communications division. Matt earned a JD from Stanford Law School, where he spent two of his three years studying open source licensing under Professor Lawrence Lessig. He serves on the advisory boards for SugarCRM, JasperSoft, Bungee Labs, MuleSource, and Specifix, and on the board for OSI.

Co-host Scott C. Lemon is CTO of MediaForge - a next generation viral marketing and web enhancement company - and founder of HumanXtensions - an Internet R&D company. Scott's recent history in the computer industry include several small start-ups, along with being Chief Technologist at SCO, Chief Strategist at Vultus, and holding numerous positions during his four tours of duty at Novell. Scott's expertise ranges from computer and wireless hardware technologies, to networking and distributed software applications. As a futurist studying the patterns of evolution, his past experiences in operating systems - CP/M, DOS, Windows, OS/2, NetWare, UNIX, Linux and others - is allowing him to explore the new levels of abstractions provided by the Internet.


This free podcast is from our Technometria with Phil Windley series.

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