Chris Spurgeon

New Media Developer, American Public Media

The Best Geo Hacks of the Last 2,000 Years
23 minutes, 10.9mb, recorded 2006-06-14
Chris Spurgeon

While it is true that the last few years have seen an explosion of geo-related innovation, Chris Spurgeon reviews some of the past geo hacks that were pulled off in 1920, or 1790, or 250 B.C.

He surveys some of humanity's cleverest solutions in its attempts to answer those basic questions "where the hell am I?" and "which way should I go?"Chris's list includes such topics as the history of mapping, a biography of Mercator, the concept of map projections, and other fascinating geo themes.

Chris Spurgeon is a lifelong history of science junkie, and spent many years working in public broadcasting, most relevantly as the "Invention Guy" on the Peabody Award winning children's radio show Kids Corner.

By day, Spurgeon is a web developer for American Public Media. By night, he mucks about making alternative map displays.


This free podcast is from our Where Conference series.

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Photo: James Duncan Davidson/O'Reilly Media