Baratunde Thurston

Author, Director of Digital, The Onion

How To Be Black
22 minutes, 10.3mb, recorded 2006-02-14
Topics: Culture
Baratunde Thurston

Most of us are stigmatized with one social label or another. Baratunde Thurston's label, like many others, is that he is black. What does it mean to be a black? How black are you? When did you first learn that you were black, that you were "different?"

Being black, of course, is a variable. Each of us have our own definition, our own perspective.

How To Be Black is a book about identity crisis. Its author Baratunde Thurston explains how the book began, what the book is about, why he wrote it, and how it evolved as he was writing and producing it.

For the avid self publisher, Baratunde's history provides a sample process to market, build engagement, and sell books.  Every ebook is different, but the astute will hear a well thought out process of finding and engaging with fans.  Then eventually, turning them into customers.

Baratunde Thurston is a politically-active, technology-loving comedian from the future. He co-founded the black political blog, Jack and Jill Politics and serves as Director of Digital for The Onion. He has written for Vanity Fair and the UK Independent, hosted Popular Science’s Future Of on Discovery Science and appears on cable news regularly to say smart things in funny ways. Then-candidate Barack Obama called him “someone I need to know.” Baratunde travels the world speaking and advising and performs standup regularly in NYC. He resides in Brooklyn, lives on Twitter and has over 30 years experience being black. His first book, How To Be Black, will be published in February 2012 by Harper Collins.


This free podcast is from our Tools of Change Conference series.

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Photo: Alexa Lee