MySQL Conference

This page shows 21 to 30 of 47 total podcasts in this series.
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Brian Aker - State of Drizzle

Beginning the lecture with a description of Drizzle, Brian Aker, an open-source hacker and former Director of Architecture at MySQL AB, continues on to fully discuss the merits of this open source database management system (DBMS). Also central to this lecture are the three key success points of Drizzle and what its creators plan to do in the future.

Mark Callaghan - Future Trends, Forks, and Ideas for MySQL

The future is at hand in this lecture by Mark Callaghan, the leader of Facebook's MySQL engineering team. He discusses MySQL, the host company of the conference, and considers future trends, forks, and ideas.

Tim O'Reilly - Open Source Internet

According to Tim O'Reilly, of O'Reilly Media, the Internet is full of information and is capable of using that information to make connections and trends. The real question, as Tim points out, is whether this information will be open sourced, or owned by companies such as Google and Microsoft.

Sheeri K. Cabral - How to be a MySQL Community Superhero

Even without deep technical knowledge or a fat Rolodex, you can be a community superhero. In this talk from the 2009 MySQL Conference, Sheeri Cabral, the 2007-2008 MySQL Advocate of the Year, shares some pointers on things anyone can do to help the technology and community of your favorite open source project.

Mark Madsen - Using Open Source BI in the Real World

As Business Intelligence becomes more and more popular as a way for companies to achieve an advantage, some companies ahead of the curve are adopting open source BI software. Analysts have not been positive in their predictions of open source use, but they may be mistaken. Mark Madsen describes the results of his study showing who is using open source BI software, why they're using it, and what the benefits are. His results indicate that while open source BI is not widely accepted yet, its users are just ahead of the curve.

Mark Callaghan - This is Not a Web App

MySQL is not quite ready to run enterprise scale Internet applications, but Mark Callaghan and the MySQL team at Google are working on addressing its shortcomings. In this presentation from the 2009 MySQL Conference, Callaghan describes some of the requirements that Google's scale creates, the improvements they have made to MySQL, and their open questions to guide future development.

Paul Tuckfield - Scaling MySQL at YouTube

In mid 2006, YouTube served approximately 100 million videos in a single day. To maintain a website of that scale, one would imagine YouTube has hundreds of DBAs. But in fact, there are just three people that make it all work. Paul Tuckfield, the MySQL DBA at YouTube shares horror stories about scalability at YouTube and how he coped with them to keep the show going everyday, while learning important lessons along the way.

Chander Kant - Data Protection for the LAMP Economy

LAMP applications have a firm foothold in e-commerce and social networking, and the value of information stored in those systems is surging. At the 2007 MySQL Conference, Chander Kant of Zmanda, talks about how his company is taking advantage of this growing economy.

Rasmus Lerdorf - PHP on Hormones

Rasmus Lerdorf, the original creator of the PHP programming language says he isn't a real programmer. Lerdorf isn't passionate about programming if it doesn't solve his problem; he created PHP to solve his own set of problems. Hear the story of the evolution of PHP from being a purely procedural language to its current state of a full-fledged object oriented language, from its creator.

Guy Kawasaki - The Art of Innovation

Guy Kawasaki has a long history working in technology, both in established companies and as an entrepreneur. He worked for Apple at the time of the development of the Macintosh and later returned as an Apple Fellow. In this keynote speech, he gives what he believes are the important stages towards successful innovation. He presents the steps in both a humorous and intelligent way, showing what companies must do to be successful.
This page shows 21 to 30 of 47 total podcasts in this series.
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