Alice Tepper Marlin

Social Accountability International

Setting the Standard for the Global Economy
45 minutes, 20.8mb, recorded 2007-01-01
Alice Tepper Marlin

A multi-stakeholder movement is bringing real improvement to the conditions of workers throughout the global supply chain. Alice Tepper Marlin shares how she has been leading the push to create a credible, comprehensive, and efficient verification system for assuring humane workplaces through the Social Accountability International's SA-8000 standard. Describing the strategies SAI has used to bring stakeholders together to work to the same standard, she argues in this audio lecture that, along with the cooperation of management and labor, well-informed consumers can bring the needed pressure for compliance from retail brands and their suppliers at all levels.

Alice Tepper Marlin has served as president of Social Accountability International since 1996. She is currently also adjunct professor of markets, ethics, and law at NYU’s Stern School of Business. In 1969, she founded the Council on Economic Priorities (CEP) and served for 33 years as president. At CEP, she wrote and/or edited dozens of books, including Shopping for a Better World. Earlier, she served as a securities analyst and labor economist at Burnham & Co., and as the editor of the tax journal of the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation in the Netherlands. Tepper Marlin is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Japan Society Fellowship, Right Livelihood Award, Wellesley College Alumnae Achievement Award, Social Venture Pioneer Award, and both Adweek's and Mademoiselle's Woman of the Year Award. She has been profiled by numerous magazines, newspapers, and TV programs.



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